Transform your Mind

How To Permanently Release Fear and Anxiety From the Body

Myrna Young, Life Coach

Daniel Packard is the CEO of Full Liberation Technology, a company dedicated to creating innovative solutions for personal development and mental wellness. With a background in mechanical engineering, Daniel brings a unique perspective to the realm of personal growth by applying scientific principles to the emotional and psychological aspects of well-being. His company has spent over eight years and invested more than $100,00 dollars in research to develop a system that effectively addresses and resolves issues related to anxiety, procrastination, people pleasing, perfectionism, and low confidence. 

Episode Summary:

In this engaging episode host Myrna Young speaks with Daniel Packard, an innovator in the field of emotional liberation. Together, they delve into the topic of transforming from being "stuck to unstoppable" by addressing deep-rooted fears that manifest as anxiety, procrastination, people-pleasing, perfectionism, and low confidence. 

This episode explores the depths of how unresolved fears can control our lives, highlighting the often-overlooked aspect that fear is mostly housed in the body rather than the mind.  Daniel has developed a proprietary system that targets the root causes of fear within the nervous system. With an extraordinary 90% success rate, his program promises to help individuals quickly and permanently banish their fears, unlocking their fullest potential for a life of fulfillment and freedom. Discover why this innovative method is the key to moving beyond traditional therapies and coaching methods that merely manage symptoms instead of truly solving them.

Key Takeaways:

  • The "Funky Five" – anxiety, procrastination, people pleasing, perfectionism, and low confidence – are symptoms of underlying fear.
  • Fear does not originate in the mind, as commonly believed, but is deeply rooted in the body, particularly within the nervous system.
  • By understanding and repairing the nervous system, it is possible to permanently eliminate fear.

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